Tuesday, June 2, 2009

After the Rain How the West Lost the East

After the Rain - How the West Lost the East

Excerpts from an anthology of articles published in Macedonia, Russia, Egypt, the Czech Republic and in periodicals throughout Eastern and Central Europe regarding the politics, economics, geopolitics and history of countries in Centraleastern Europe and SEE (Balkan).


The anthology was published in two print volumes. The first volume (titled "Macedonian on a Crossroads") was published in November 1998 (publisher : "New Literature", Skopje, Macedonia). ISBN: 9989-610-01-0

The second volume (titled "After the Rain - How the West Lost the East") was published in February 2000 (Publishers: "Narcissus Publications and Central Europe Review", Prague, Czech Republic). ISBN: 80-238-5173-X


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