Wednesday, January 7, 2009

eBookn First Scalar wave textbook for engineers

First Scalar wave textbook for engineers
Scalar Waves Textbook | Publisher: Meyl | 2003 | 700 pg | PDF | 32.5 Mb | ISBN 3980254240

From an extended vortex and field theory to a technical, biological and historical use of longitudinal waves. Edition belonging to the Electromagnetic Environmental Compatibility seminar (part 1 - 3).

From Maxwell’s field equations only the well-known (transverse) Hertzian waves can be derived, whereas the calculation of longitudinal electromagnetic waves gives zero as a result. This is a flaw of the field theory, since longitudinal waves exist for all particle waves, like e.g. as plasma wave, as photon- or neutrino radiation.

Starting from Faradays discovery, instead of the formulation of the law of induction according to Maxwell, an extended field theory is derived, which goes beyond the Maxwell theory with the description of potential vortices (noise vortices) and their propagation as a longitudinal wave, but contains the Maxwell theory as a special case. With that the extension is allowed and doesn’t contradict textbook physics.

Besides the mathematical calculation of longitudinal EM waves this book contains a voluminous material collection concerning their technical use. What if the useful signal and what would normally be called the interfering noise signal change their places? What if a separate modulation of frequency and wavelength makes a parallel image transmission possible? This book also addresses questions concerning the environmental compatibility of electromagnetic energy for the benefit of humanity (bio resonance, among others) or to harm humanity (electro smog).

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